Dominate The Competition

How To Get Good At Boxing: Your Ultimate Progress Guide

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Written By: Richard Magallanes
Last Updated: July 16, 2023

Boxing is a demanding sport that requires a combination of physical fitness and mental toughness.

Rapid progression in boxing demands dedication, commitment, and a strategic approach to training.

In this article, we will explore methods and techniques to help you improve your boxing skills and progress faster.

A crucial aspect of improving in boxing is establishing the right mindset from the start.

Mental training is just as significant as physical training in becoming a proficient boxer.

Alongside mindset, finding the right coach and community to guide and support you in your boxing journey makes a noticeable difference in your progress.

Furthermore, mastering the fundamentals of boxing provides a strong foundation for developing advanced techniques and strategies.

Key takeaways

  • Develop a strong mindset and focus on mental training to improve your performance.
  • Seek guidance from a knowledgeable coach and supportive community to enhance your progress.
  • Prioritize mastering the fundamentals as a foundation for advanced techniques and strategies.

1. Mindset and Mental Training


Developing the right mindset is crucial for success in boxing.

To improve in this sport, you must understand that mental toughness is just as necessary as physical strength.

Your mindset refers to how you perceive and approach challenges.

Be prepared to face setbacks and adopt a growth-oriented attitude.

Learn from your experiences and stay focused on your goals, even during the toughest situations.

Remember, believing in your abilities can boost your confidence and drive positive results.


Discipline is the foundation of any sport, especially boxing.

Good habits and daily routines are vital for developing your skills and staying committed to your goals.

Incorporate a regular training schedule that suits your needs, and stick to it even when there are distractions.

Consistency in your workouts and nutrition is just as important as working on your boxing techniques.

Resilience and dedication are key factors in ensuring rapid progression in this demanding sport.


Keeping yourself motivated can be a challenge, but it's essential for long-term success.

Find your driving force, whether it's the desire to become a pro boxer, to improve your physical fitness, or to overcome personal obstacles.

Set realistic and attainable targets that keep you inspired and help you track your progress.

Moreover, surround yourself with positive influences and train your brain to stay motivated even when faced with setbacks.

Maintaining a strong mindset, consistent discipline, and unwavering motivation will significantly impact your progression in boxing.

Focus on honing these mental attributes, and you'll see improvements in both your psychological and physical performance.

2. Find the Right Boxing Coach and Community

Finding the right boxing coach and community is crucial to your rapid progression in boxing.

A dedicated and experienced coach will help you develop your skills and technique, while surrounding yourself with a supportive community pushes you to achieve your best.

There are different types of boxing coaches, depending on whether they have access to a boxing gym or not.

Boxing coaches without access to a boxing gym

If you don't have access to a boxing gym, you can still find a coach to guide you in your boxing journey. Look for someone with:

  • Real experience: A coach who has competed and trained in boxing themselves will have a wealth of knowledge to share, having encountered various situations in the ring. Their expertise will be invaluable to you as they tailor their approach to your specific needs and goals.
  • Strong communication: A good coach can clearly explain techniques, correct errors, and provide constructive feedback. They should be able to communicate their knowledge in a way that you can understand and apply in your training.
  • Ability to motivate: A great coach will encourage and push you to reach your full potential. They'll recognize your strengths and weaknesses, helping you to overcome obstacles and grow as a boxer.
  • On-the-go equipment:If you're training outside of a gym, your coach should have portable equipment. This could range from mitts and gloves to skipping ropes and cones, all of which can be used to set up effective training drills. They should also ensure your safety during sessions with necessary protective gear.
  • Ability to travel:If your coach doesn't have access to a gym, they should be flexible and willing to travel for your training sessions. Choose a coach who can meet you at convenient locations, like a local park, your home, or any available open space suitable for training. Their commitment to your progress should be evident in their willingness to adapt to your circumstances.

By connecting with the wider boxing community, you'll find additional motivation and opportunities to learn.

Look for online forums, social media groups, or local clubs to connect with like-minded individuals.

Boxing coaches with a boxing gym

When you have access to a boxing gym, the resources and opportunities available are much greater.

Here's what you should look for in a gym-based boxing coach:

  • Experienced and certified: A well-qualified coach with both boxing and training certifications brings professional knowledge and experience to your training, ensuring you're learning from someone with a comprehensive understanding of the sport.
  • Analytical skills: A great coach can quickly assess your strength, weakness, and progress, providing customized training and feedback to help you improve. They will identify and correct any issues in your technique or approach to help you rapidly progress.
  • Structured training: Your boxing coach should provide structured training plans, incorporating various aspects of boxing such as strength training, technique practice, and strategy development. This will ensure you're continually progressing and improving your skills.

Make sure the gym offers a supportive and welcoming environment, where you can comfortably train and grow as a boxer.

Look for a community of fellow boxers who are enthusiastic, dedicated, and eager to help one another learn and grow.

In both cases, a truly exceptional boxing coach will bring out the best in you and help you progress rapidly as a boxer.

Always remember that a supportive community plays a significant role in helping you achieve your goals.

3. Master the Fundamentals


Your boxing journey starts with mastering the basic techniques.

Focus on developing a strong foundation by practicing different types of punches like the jab, cross, hook, and uppercut.

Each punch has its unique application and purpose in a fight.

Work on your boxing stance, ensuring that it provides balance, power, and mobility.

Technique is the cornerstone of your boxing progression, and investing time in getting the fundamentals right will pay dividends later on.

Footwork and Movement

In boxing, footwork is essential for maintaining balance, closing range to attack, and creating space for defense.

Enhancing your footwork and movement skills will make you a more dynamic and elusive fighter.

Incorporate drills focused on side steps, pivots, and range control into your training routine to develop a solid foundation for your overall boxing skillset.

Offense and Defense

Boxing is a sport of both offense and defense, and it is crucial to find the right balance between the two.

As you develop your offensive arsenal, work on your defense and head movement to avoid your opponent's attacks.

Learn to block, parry, and slip punches while maintaining a strong offense.

Incorporate punching bag work, speed bag drills, and sparring to practice both attacking and defending in various combinations.

Boxing Styles

Understand and explore various boxing styles to find the one that best suits your strengths and personality.

From aggressive pressure fighters like Mike Tyson to technical counterpunchers, there is a wide array of styles to choose from.

There are four key boxing styles to choose from:

  • The Elusive Out-Boxer: This style focuses on utilizing length and footwork to outmaneuver the opponent. They typically have strong jabs and excellent defensive skills, using their reach to control the distance and avoid attacks.
  • The Aggressive Pressure Fighter:This style is characterized by constant forward movement, with an emphasis on overwhelming the opponent with volume punching. These fighters are aggressive, resilient and can take a punch while continuing to advance.
  • The Heavy-Hitting Slugger:This style is all about power and resilience. Sluggers are known for their ability to take punches and deliver heavy blows. They may not be as quick or technically polished, but they possess knockout power that can turn the tide of any match.
  • The Adaptable Boxer-Puncher:This style is well-rounded, combining the strengths of the other styles. Boxer-punchers have the technical skills to outbox opponents, the power to deliver serious damage, and the adaptability to switch between styles as needed. They are comfortable both leading the attack and counterpunching based on the flow of the match.

Remember, mastering a specific boxing style not only enhances your ability to apply effective techniques but also adds a unique flair to your fights.

Being able to adapt and shift between styles as the fight demands can give you a significant competitive edge.

4. Create a Boxing Training Regime That Will Produce Results


Sparring is a crucial component of your boxing training regime.

Schedule regular sparring sessions with a partner at your skill level or slightly above.

This will help you to practice and develop essential techniques, defense, and head movement under actual fighting conditions.

Remember to wear proper protective gear, such as headgear and gloves, to ensure safety during these bouts.

Shadow Boxing

Shadow boxing allows you to perfect your techniques without needing any equipment.

Dedicate time to this exercise in your routine to work on your footwork, jabs, uppercuts, and other combinations.

It's also a great opportunity to visualize strategies and build confidence in your punches.

Hitting the Heavy Bag

Incorporate heavy bag workouts into your training regimen to develop punching power and arm endurance.

Develop a variety of punching combinations and target different areas of the bag to simulate a real opponent.

As a beginner, start with shorter sessions, gradually increasing duration as your fitness improves.


Skipping rope is an excellent way to build cardiovascular endurance and improve footwork.

Incorporate it into your daily workouts, starting with shorter intervals and slowly increasing time spent on this exercise.

Try experimenting with various skipping styles and patterns to keep it interesting.

Strength and Conditioning

Boxers need both strength and endurance, so include exercises like squats, crunches, and plyometrics in your training regime.

To complement your boxing workouts, circuit training is also highly recommended for building strength and improving cardiovascular fitness.

Depending on your goals, you may wish to focus more on full-body or targeted strength training exercises.

Speed and Agility

Speed and agility are essential elements of a successful boxing strategy.

To improve these skills, consider adding exercises like agility ladder drills and sprint intervals to your routine.

These drills will help you develop faster footwork and overall quickness in the ring.

Reaction Training

Effective boxing requires excellent reaction time to counter and attack your opponent's moves.

Utilize equipment like the double-end bag or speed bag to improve your reflexes and hand-eye coordination.

You can also supplement your training with reaction ball exercises and partner reaction drills.

Mobility and Flexibility

Lastly, don't forget the importance of mobility and flexibility in boxing.

Stretching and mobility exercises should be an integral part of your training program, as they will help prevent injuries, improve range of motion, and enhance overall boxing performance.

Dedicate time for stretching both before and after workouts to maximize results.

5. Get your nutrition and recovery on-point


Prioritizing sleep is essential for rapid progression in boxing.

Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep every night.

During sleep, your body repairs muscle tissue and consolidates memories, essential for improving your technique and strength.


Incorporate active recovery days and post-workout recovery strategies.

Engage in low-intensity activities, like stretching or yoga, to improve flexibility and blood flow.

Consume protein pre and post workout to promote muscle repair and growth.

Cutting weight as a boxer

Cutting weight is often necessary for competition.

To do so safely, start with a gradual calorie deficit while maintaining a balanced diet.

Nutrition is a whole other aspect of boxing in itself, so I won’t get into it here.

But to simplify it, focus on being in a -200 calorie deficit (based on your TDEE), with a 40% protein, 40% carbs, and 20% fat macro-nutrient split.

Aim to start cutting weight at the start of your fight camp, aiming for -0.5kg loss per week.

This will ensure that you maintain your muscle, while shredding your fat.

You should feel strong during training and you shouldn’t feel drained energy-wise, which will allow you to maximize your training.

You do not want to be looking at shredding fat last minute as this could lead decreased performance, potential health risks, or worst of all - not making weight.

Bulking as a boxer

Bulking requires a calorie surplus, allowing you to gain muscle mass.

While increasing calorie intake, maintain the same macronutrient balance mentioned above, but instead of a deficit, get into a surplus.

+200 calorie surplus is a safe bet, with the same 40/40/20 split. Start bulking well before fight camp to allow yourself time to adjust and gain strength.

Consider adding in extra protein shakes or meals to easily achieve the surplus.

However, avoid gaining weight too quickly, as it could lead to increased fat accumulation rather than muscle.

Monitor your progress frequently so you can adjust your calorie intake based on your results.

Incorporate resistance training to build strength and support muscle growth.

The importance of hydration

Hydration plays a crucial role in your performance.

Drink water consistently throughout the day, aiming for at least 8 glasses by 10pm.

Also, consider sports drinks with electrolytes to replenish minerals lost during training.

Prevent injuries

Injury prevention is vital for rapid progression. Focus on:

  • Warming up before every training session.
  • Maintaining proper form while executing boxing techniques.
  • Strengthening underdeveloped muscle groups to improve joint stability.
  • Staying hydrated to reduce injury risk from muscle cramps or strains.

Fun fact: It’s funny as you would think that in combat sports, you would have a higher chance of injuring yourself due to the nature of the sport itself.

But having played basketball all throughout high school, I’ve been injured more in basketball than I have training in boxing.

Of course that’s assuming that you’re also training with the right people, have a coach who looks after his students and you’re practicing the right things.

Boxing can be very safe, especially with the emphasis on headgear, wraps and 16oz gloves.

6. Invest in Quality Boxing Gear

To get good at boxing and ensure rapid progression, it's essential to invest in quality boxing gear.

Quality gear not only protects you from injury, but it also enables you to train effectively and efficiently.

In this section, we'll discuss what to look for in hand wraps, gloves, headgear, mouthguards, and boxing shoes.


Hand wraps are crucial for protecting your hands and wrists during training.

You should choose wraps that are made from durable, flexible material, such as cotton or semi-elastic fabric.

Make sure to properly wrap your hands, covering the knuckles and providing enough support for your wrists.


When selecting gloves, prioritize those that provide ample wrist support, protect your knuckles, and cushion impacts on your opponent.

A good pair of gloves should be comfortable, fit well, and have a breathable fabric to prevent excessive sweating.

Gloves come in different weights, so consider your training needs and preferences when purchasing.


Headgear helps protect your head from potential injuries during sparring sessions.

It is essential to select headgear that fits comfortably, offers adequate padding, and has excellent shock absorption.

Look for options that allow for good visibility and don't restrict your movement while worn.

Mouth Guard

A high-quality mouth guard is a must for protecting your teeth and reducing the risk of injury during sparring or competing.

Choose a mouth guard that fits comfortably in your mouth, doesn't restrict your breathing, and can be easily cleaned after use.

The best mouth guards are specifically molded to your mouth. These can be found at your local dentist which specialize in sports mouth guards.

Boxing shoes

Boxing shoes are designed to provide support, traction, and mobility in the ring.

When selecting shoes, look for lightweight options with good ankle support, a non-slip sole, and adequate cushioning for comfort during training sessions.

Make sure they fit well and allow for natural foot movement while providing stability during intense workouts.

Investing in these essential boxing gear items will protect you from injury, enhance your performance, and contribute to your rapid progression in the sport.

Remember, the quality of your gear plays a significant role in your boxing journey, so choose equipment that meets your needs and stands up to the rigorous demands of this intense sport.

7. Continually increase your boxing knowledge

Film yourself training and sparring

Filming yourself during training and sparring sessions can be a valuable tool for improving your boxing skills.

It allows for objective self-evaluation, enabling you to identify strengths and weaknesses, and work on areas that need improvement.

Review these recordings regularly and look for patterns - are there any recurring mistakes?

Are you dropping your guard in certain situations or failing to effectively follow through with your combinations?

Make a note of these details and work on addressing them in subsequent training sessions.

Study your own film

Watching and analyzing your own film is crucial for self-improvement in boxing.

By doing this, you can identify your strengths and weaknesses, making it easier to refine your techniques and strategies.

Spend time reviewing your sparring sessions, training exercises, and actual fights to spot areas that need work.

Being objective and critical during this process will help you improve at a quicker pace.

Study film of some boxers of your style

Another effective way to enhance your boxing skills is to study other fighters who share a similar style with you.

This can give you fresh ideas and insights on how to approach certain situations in the ring.

Observe their movements, tactics, and strategies.

Take note of how they respond to different opponents and learn from the adjustments they make.

Study modern day boxers

Studying modern-day boxers is also important.

They represent the latest techniques, strategies, and approaches to the sport.

Watch their fights, training routines, and even interviews to have a grasp of their mindset and approach to boxing.

Pay attention to their unique fighting style, how they move, defend, counter, and attack.

Study film of the greatest boxers of all time

Finally, expand your knowledge by watching and analyzing the greatest boxers of all time.

By doing so, you can gain valuable insights from their techniques, tactics, and mindset.

Study legendary boxers like Muhammad Ali, Sugar Ray Robinson, and Floyd Mayweather Jr. to understand what made them great.

This will not only inspire you but also help you develop a better understanding of the sweet science.

8. Ways to speed up your boxing journey

Fight camps and competition

Fight camps are where your skill level will progress rapidly, as it’s 8 - 12 weeks of complete immersion and maximum intensity put towards your training.

Attending fight camps will accelerate your progression in boxing.

These intensive training sessions often include a combination of strength training, technical drills, sparring, and conditioning, allowing you to hone your skills in a focused environment.

You will then be able to put your training to the test in competition, which you will be able to inherently determine your skill level as a fighter.

Competition is hands down the best way to grow as a boxer as it provides first-hand experience and understanding of the sport.

By participating in tournaments and matches, you get to use all the skills and techniques you've learned, experience the thrill of the fight, and learn from each win or loss.

Invest more hours into training

To speed up your boxing journey, it is essential to invest more hours into training.

Dedicate yourself to practicing every day and considering increasing the time you spend on each session.

This means incorporating a mixture of:

  • Technique: Work on perfecting your form, stance, and footwork.
  • Strength training: Incorporate weightlifting, resistance exercises, and core work to improve your overall strength and power.
  • Cardio: Running or other forms of cardiovascular exercise help build endurance and stamina for longer fights.
  • Sparring: Engage in regular sparring sessions with a training partner to put your skills into practice and identify areas of improvement.

Remember, consistency is key.

By dedicating more time to training, you will be able to sharpen your skills and become a better boxer more quickly.

Frequently asked questions

How do you get good at boxing fast?

To improve your boxing skills quickly, focus on regular training sessions with a qualified coach.

Incorporate a mix of strength and conditioning exercises, boxing drills, and sparring sessions.

Learn proper techniques for punches, footwork, and defensive moves.

Consistency, discipline, and dedication are key to becoming a better boxer in a short amount of time.

How do you get good form in boxing?

To get a good form in boxing, start with learning the right boxing stance which provides balance and stability.

Always keep your hands up to protect your face and tighten your core to protect your body.

Practice your punches - the jab, cross, hook, and uppercut.

A good form also includes mastering footwork for better movement and evasiveness in the ring.

Regular training and drills can significantly improve your boxing form.

It is advisable to have a coach who can guide you and provide feedback as you train.

Can anyone get good at boxing?

Yes, anyone can get good at boxing with dedication and hard work.

Boxers need endurance, strength, agility, and speed to excel, and training on your own is possible but joining a gym and training with other boxers can take your skills to the next level.

Take the first step and start your boxing journey now.

What are three ways to train boxing?

Three effective ways to train boxing include:

  1. Technical Drills: These drills help to improve your punches, footwork, defense, and accuracy. They often include activities like shadow boxing, hitting the heavy bag, and mitt work.
  2. Sparring: Sparring is definitely one of the most effective ways to train. It involves practicing your boxing skills against a live opponent. This gives you a chance to apply what you've learned in a controlled environment.
  3. Strength and Conditioning: This typically involves a mix of cardiovascular exercises and resistance training. The goal is to improve your strength, speed, endurance, and overall fitness level.

Remember, it's important to maintain a balanced approach to your training. While you might be eager to get into the ring and start sparring, understanding the basics through technical drills and building your physical endurance through strength and conditioning are just as, if not more, important.

It's also beneficial to regularly review and refresh your technique, as even minor adjustments can significantly enhance your performance in the ring.

The bottom line

Boxing is a complex sport that requires dedication, consistency, and a keen understanding of the art.

To accelerate your growth in boxing, consider attending fight camps, increasing your training hours and participating in competitions.

It's essential to adopt a well-rounded approach to training, encompassing technique, strength, cardio, and sparring.

Regularly studying the greatest boxers of all time can also offer invaluable insights.

Ultimately, anyone can become proficient at boxing with hard work and the right mindset.

Remember, the journey to becoming a better boxer starts with taking the first step.

So, lace up your gloves, step into the gym, and start your boxing journey today.

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